Everything is Just Great!

I really am doing fine. I still haven't heard from the doctor, and I still haven't made a decision.

I have decided to use positive thinking to shrink the cancer, and by the time the physician calls back, either the tumor will be gone or I will be dead. (How is THAT for staying positive! I am just joking- of course- Sherry RELAX!)

I have been running and swimming, so when I do have surgery, I will be in excellent shape. It is harder to run, not because I don't like it, but I have to sneak past Tina (my dog) in order to get outside. If she notices my running shoes, then she gets very excited, and thinks it is time to go on a walk. Have you ever tried to explain the difference between "walking" shoes and "running" shoes to a dog? She hears "blah blah blah blah, WALK".... and thinks "Yippee, let's go!" So, since I have overwhelming guilt and I can't leave her home, I end up taking her for a walk. I have started leaving my running stuff out in the shop. As long as I don't see her pleading eyes, I can go without guilt.


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