The Secret

I started reading The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. The Secret, really isn't a secret, many people utilize it, it just isn't called "The Secret". It is called "positive thinking", "Imagery", "Neuro Linguistics" and so on... " An image by any other name would still look as sweet...." Basically it is saying that you are what you think. The book was recommended by Brittney, and recently by a breast cancer survivor that I talked to the other day. I think it is a good book, but it is one of those books that I start reading, then I immediately start to think about how I can apply what I just read. I proceed to read, but don't have a clue what I just read because I was too busy thinking about what I could do with the information from the first sentence. Are you totally confused by what I just said? That's okay!

As you may have noticed, I posted later today. I actually slept in until 4:30. I still had some funky dreams, but they weren't good enough to get me out of bed.

I am going to use the "Secret"... I wonder if I can still grow a few inches taller?

.....Life is Good!


Anonymous said…
I laughed when I read this blog. I read "The Secret" about a month or so ago and did the exact same thing. I think it was the hardest and longest book that I have EVER read because I kept getting lost in my own thoughts! To be honest at times I got irritated that I could not concentrate on what I was reading! :P

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