Little road trip

Mike and I are heading up to Vegas to take Hailey to the airport. She is flying to Minnesota by herself to go see Grandma Gen. We will be spending the night up there and picking Brittney up tomorrow. She is coming back from visiting her dad in Washington.

Tina gets to have a sleepover with Aunt Norma. I hope she isn't too spoiled when we get back.

I find that I have become very inventive! I didn't want to look like a sickly oxygen toting granny... so I pulled the bladder from my Camelbak (it isn't as painful as it sounds- I did it quickly) and I replaced it with my portable vacuum. It fits perfectly and the tubing is the same size as the Camelbak tubing, so it fits neatly through the guides and is very inconspicuous. :) Now I just look like a thirsty granny. This morning Hailey asked if she could have a drink of my "water". Mike said it sounded like a percolator, and thought I decided to have fresh coffee at all times without waiting in line at Starbucks.... now THERE'S an idea!


Anonymous said…
You should market it to tired grannies. You should also come up with some way for women to remove OUR bladders.

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