Left, Right or Both?

Just because I don't blog at 3AM doesn't mean something is wrong... :) It is almost 3PM, I am just a few hours late.

I think that I don't know what I am thinking... I am not sure if I want what I want. I am starting to second guess my decision (the internet pictures certainly didn't help much) and I am thinking that maybe I should be conservative and just get the lumpectomy, deal with the radiation, and if the cancer comes back, then deal with it again.

So... again I am waiting for a call back from the doctor. I am usually not this "wishy-washy", I normally decide what I want and do it, but I think this deserves a little more attention. At first I thought that breast cancer treatment was pretty straight forward, but I am finding that to be a false assumption. There are many different ways to treat it, and although I do appreciate input from friends, in the long run I have to do what is best for me. This time, I think I deserve that. If I make the wrong decision, it won't be the first time.


Anonymous said…
I'll give you advice that I always give to myself: "Don't second-guess yourself!"

Wait...maybe that's not good advice.
Anonymous said…
Susan - as a new cancer survivor who underwent a lumpectomy, double mastectomy and reconstruction I can surely say that you are the only one who can choose what is right for you. You are not unwise to wish to customize your treatment for you. There is no "right" way. The doctors will try very hard to put you in a box. It is up to you to be informed, do research, talk to other women who've gone through it, get second and third opinions and then finally pray about it - whoever and whatever you pray to. I truly believe we have the answers inside us we only have to listen. I'd be glad to share my story if it will help you in some way. Peace, Lisa B. (Christy B's friend)

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