
Hey all, it's Brittney. I know you're all curious about my mom's condition. For those of you who called, thank you for your calls. I apologize for not getting back to you. Neither Mike nor I have been home much today.

The surgery went without a hitch, clocking in at about 4.5 hours. Unfortunately there is lymph node involvement, so it looks like she will have to undergo chemo. We won't have the results for another couple of weeks regarding whether she will have to do radiation.

Right after surgery she was in a lot of pain. Shortly after, they gave her a morphine drip which hopefully will drastically reduce her pain. However, she is experiencing nausea as a side effect of the morphine.

As far as her emotional state, I think she is too damn tired to really feel anything. Tomorrow will be a difficult day for her - the day she will really have to come to terms with everything that is happening. Please keep her in your thoughts (only positive ones, folks ;) ). I know your support means a lot to her, as well as to the rest of us. I can't thank you all enough for your overwhelming encouragement and aid.

Either I will keep you updated as necessary, or she will be posting a blog of her own soon.


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