Onward Ho!

I got my much awaited call from Dr. Ihde last night at 7 p.m.. She said that she reviewed the MRI report and it said that the cancer was "3 cm Multifocal". Which means that that there is more than one and all together they measure 3 cm. Dr. Ihde said that we could still go ahead with the lumpectomy, but the cosmetic results would not be favorable and I would need to follow-up with radiation. She recommended a mastectomy to make sure that she gets all the cancer and I don't get dented boobs. (She didn't say that last part, I just added it...)

I am doing some thinking - "Multi-focal" thinking that is, my mind is everywhere! I am leaning towards the mastectomy for a few reasons, but there are still a couple of people that I want to talk to before I make that decision.

BTW- Thank you everyone for your prayers! If all the people that say they are praying for me really are, then I think God is really getting tired of hearing my name. :) Keep up the good work!


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