
I hate the nightmares when I am trying to scream, or run and I can't. I am either running in slow motion, or paralyzed. I had a couple of back-to-back nightmares last night. The first wasn't so bad, I was at a party, and this guy was sitting in this large rocking chair smirking. I wanted him to leave, but he just kept rocking back and forth smirking at me. I tried to punch him, and he laughed at me, then I tipped him over backwards in his stupid rocking chair. The person throwing the party said I should be nice to him because he was really important and was going to help them get into the movies.... or something. I just thought he was a jerk and needed to leave.

My second dream was horrible, I am surprised I didn't wake up screaming. It is too confusing to tell the entire dream, but basically it was about a dead person that came back to life. He wanted to kiss me, but his teeth were gross and his breath smelled bad, so I told him I would hug him. I ended that dream by kicking the bed... good thing I didn't hurt Mike. :)

I was glad when I looked at the clock and it was time to get up, because there is no way I would have tried to get back to sleep after that dream.

I skipped swim this morning. I will have to take a walk or go on the treadmill later to make up for it. Anybody up for a walk around the island? I would "blade", but the pavement is so messed up on the island, it is more of an effort to stay upright, then go forward.

Have a B-E-A-utiful Day! I know I will!


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