I have a tattoo- Two of 'em! & MRI

7am- Friday October 2, 2015- Radiology Oncology set up
So I went to the Rad/Onc appointment.  The techs were really nice, the room was freezing ass cold. I thought they were going to have to go get hot water to to get my frozen body off the table... I wasn't sure if they were setting me up for embalming or radiation.  I have to say, they did get me a blanket, but my entire midsection from neck to waist was uncovered.  I think even my silicone froze.  Anyway, I got two permanent tattoos that are markers for he radiation and a temporary Sharpie tattoo covered by a really sticky piece of clear tape. It isn't the tattoo that I always wanted, but now I can say "I have a tattoo... wanna see it?"
It took about an hour to get all set up and when I got home I was still freezing, after driving home with the heat on in the car. (It was 90 outside) and heating up one of my mom's "corn bags"...  I decided to take my temp.  It was 96.4, at least if they have to start CPR, my brain cells will be preserved, right?  I sat on the couch with the corn bag, a sweatshirt and a blanket and continued to thaw.  I was a little worried that it was going to be like that every time, but I was informed that the actual radiation shouldn't take that long.  If it does, I am requesting warm blankets.
They said it will take from 7-10 days to set up my treatment plan, then they will give me a call to schedule the radiation.  The radiation will be every day Monday through Friday for 7 weeks.

10:45 Friday October 2, 2015 - MRI lump in thigh
I usually have an appointment every day of the week, now I just schedule them all in one day to get it over with.
I showed up right on time for my MRI, I actually wrote down the wrong time on the calendar, then looked at the paper 5 minutes before the appointment.  Luckily it only takes me 5 minutes to get to the hospital. I left so quickly, that I didn't even grab my phone. Crazy! Who leaves home without their cell phone these days? Crazy ass people that are late for appointments, that's who.
I had the MRI and I picked up the disk with the report on Monday. The report was somewhat vague, but it didn't say "benign", so I figured it wasn't good news.  I got a call from the doctor's office at 6pm, they wanted me to follow up with a surgeon for a biopsy.
I ended up sending the report to my oncologist at Banner MD Anderson in Gilbert.  She reviewed it and wanted me to bring the disk with me to my appointment next week.  I am guessing they will want to a biopsy.  I am hoping that I can get it done at Banner. I just wish that it could be when I go up there for my other appointment.
So the usual waiting game.  There should be a Dr. Seuss book for cancer patients. I will put that on my bucket list....
Waiting for the lump to grow,
waiting for the chemo to flow....
just waiting.


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