Throwing away the "Lucky" underwear....

My lucky underwear haven't been doing so good.... somebody suggested after 7 office visits in 7 days, maybe they just need to be washed! I don't know about that, the physicians seem to keep a comfortable distance from me....

(Yes, I AM joking)

I had an appointment to get my incision checked on Tuesday. I have to keep the VAC on. The surgeon talked with the oncologist, and they decided it would be okay to start the chemo. I will be getting my first treatment next Tuesday, June 17. I knew that it would have to start sometime, it just makes it more concrete when they set the date.

I bought a wig, I was going to go blonde, but I was laughing so hard when I put it on, I figured I best not.... I am DEFINITELY NOT a blonde! (I was just trying it on for the cut, but it was hard to get past the color.) The color I got is very close to mine (not as pretty) and longer... but I figured I had to have a little bit of fun. I am expecting that Hailey will want to wear it more than me. :)


Anonymous said…
My mom is Chrissie Hynde!

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