Feeling Groovy!

Except for the suction cup attached to my breast, I am feeling really good! I even went rollerblading this morning. I just went around Rotary Park and down to the bridge. I do fairly well except on the downhills I sometimes go a little faster than I would like and have a bit of a problem stopping.... if you see an elderly lady with Rollerblade tracks across her forehead, could you please tell her I am sorry!

I am also back to coaching. It is good to be back! Instead of the kids whining after I give them a set, I am conditioning them to say "Thank you Coach Susan, we would LOVE to swim that set!" So far, I just get grunts, but they will get better. :)

I really miss swimming in the mornings, but I am staying active with walking, running and blading. I might try the bike, but since my mountain bike is built a little different than a normal upright bike it may pull too much on my chest... I guess there is one way to find out.


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