Sponge Bob Square Boobs?

I was having the best day ever yesterday, and I am feeling pretty spunky today.... except for the "ball and chain" attached to my breast like a colicky baby. The coffee still tastes bad, but at least it is the first thing I can have in the morning!

I got in the water (only up to my waist) with my HSST kids yesterday. Hailey also came and helped which worked out great. We worked on the other side of the bulkhead and did some "back to basic" drills and technique work. I think the kids did great... what a wonderful feeling to see them pick it up and go from struggling to make it 10 feet to swimming 25 yards effortlessly. It doesn't seem like a lot to a seasoned swimmer, but it is a big deal to a 6 year old!

I guess I was feeling a little too good. I thought I could get out of the pool my usual way, by pulling myself up on the bulkhead... mmm not a good idea and it didn't work. I believe I pulled some scar tissue away from the expander. It continued to cause intermittent pain throughout the day, but I think it must have completely tore, because I am not having any more pain, I just have a square looking breast... very interesting!

It is time to sneak out of the house for my morning walk. I think I will wear a tight tank and see if I get any funny looks. :)


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