This REALLY does suck...

I went in for my follow-up with the plastic surgeon yesterday. The wound was not healing as fast as he had hoped, so he decided to hook me up to the portable VAC. It is a lovely little machine that weighs about 5 pounds and sounds like a dying fish tank pump. It has about eight feet of tubing and is permanently attached with a clear adaptic type dressing and a "nipple" (looks a lot like the suction cup things that you use to hang decorations on windows) that surrounds the foam packed wound.

The VAC is supposed to promote and speed healing so that I can get started with my chemo. It kind of reminds me of the experiment that they do in school with the "baby", which is really a bag of flour. This "baby" only has to be changed every three days, and somebody else does it for you.

I had my appointment with the LHC oncologist today.... I was in and out of the office before I even finished my paperwork... now that is a first! No surprises, basically it was just to meet the oncologist and get things going. He asked me what protocol was given to me from Palm Springs, I told him, he agreed and said that we would start as soon as I am healed. I didn't even have to take my shirt off.

I bought my very first cute hat. It is pink camouflage... do you think it will camouflage a bald head?


Anonymous said…
Funny, I've never experienced one of those meetings where you don't have to take your shirt off.

Ever since I cleaned out my hat drawer, I discovered that I own a plethora of cute hats. Then I remembered that I don't wear hats. You can have them.

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