Anything but the Coffee!

I wasn't feeling so great yesterday. I did walk about 3 miles in the morning, but about an hour after I got home I started getting a little nauseated, so it was back to the oyster crackers, ginger ale and applesauce.... yum! I bet you can guess what I probably WON'T be eating next year. The nausea lasted most of the day and last night. I did get a lot of napping in.

I was JUST starting to feel a little better this morning, so after I had my ACG, (applesauce, crackers, ginger ale) I decided I better have some coffee so I don't get my caffeine withdrawal headache. My one and only bad habit (that I admit to anyway) is ruined! The coffee tastes like it was boiled with metal shavings... not fair!!! I guess I will cancel my membership to Gevalia.

I wonder how a Bud light with lime will taste................ ;)


Anonymous said…
Being that I too must have coffee in the A.M. or someone dies, can completely sympathize with your plight. However in substitution I do highly recommend bud light lime. It will never be coffee but after 2-12 of them at poolside you pretty much don't care about anything! So I want to send a shout out/Kuddos to you, maker man at Budwiser for making such a tasty beverage and helping all us would-be, conditioning to be or just flat out are already raging alcoholics!!!

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