Haircut... Barbie Doll Style

I started pulling chunks of hair out this morning, and although I had a friend coming over in the afternoon to cut it, I figured I probably wouldn't have any left by the time she got to the house. I called her and told her that Hailey and I were going to have a "hair cutting party".(If anybody wants to do this for their kid's birthday, I am available!) I know everyone has cut their Barbie's hair at one time.(It's okay guys... we know what you did with your sister's barbies). So basically, that is what I did. I took a chunk of hair and put it in a small ponytail and cut it off. It actually didn't turn out too bad considering what I did...AND I only had one gray hair! (No... I wasn't drunk)

My friend did come over and clean it up a bit. It was a little uneven... I guess it doesn't really matter since it will probably all be gone in the next few days anyway... and I did have fun.

I am heading up to Bullhead for my treatment tomorrow, at least I will stay nice and cool!


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