Beer Anyone?

After close to ten years, I finally went in for my "Annual Exam" on Monday. When I set up the appointment, I asked the receptionist what it consisted of (I really couldn't remember).

"Well," she said "It is more than just a Pabst Beer." (You mean I get Beer!) "He does a breast exam,"I stopped her right there and asked what if I don't have any.

"Breasts?" she asked,

"Yes," I answered, pausing before I gave an explanation and imagining what she could possibly be thinking about this crazy woman on the phone. I gave her the explanation and she continued to give me the rundown of the exam. Okay, I was thinking, as long as I get a beer. I haven't had one of those.... well I don't remember, probably since my last "Annual Exam".

The exam room was very warm, and I had to sit on the exam table with the paper covering in my pretty pink paper gown, which by the way, is not very absorbent when you are sweating. All I could think of was, "bring me my Pabst Beer!" Which I came to find out was like no other Pabst Beer I had ever had before.

Overall the exam went well and was uneventful. The physician did remind me that 'annual' meant one, not ten years.

I woke up yesterday feeling extremely light headed and dizzy. I surmised that it was a hangover from the previous days "Pabst Beer". I am glad I only have to do that once every... how many years?


Anonymous said…
That is strange...I too had a Pabst Beer yesterday. It was one of Mike's that has been sitting in the work fridge since I bought it for him as a b-day present! So while scrubbing urine off the floor from old men that can't seem to see the BIG WHITE BOWL they are aiming at, I enjoyed this tasty beverage.I think it is safe to say that I enjoyed my Pabst Beer much more then you did yours!
Anonymous said…
Did they numb you? Teehee.

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