One more step...

I spoke with my oncologist in Palm Springs. She did give me the treatment options for the chemo. Basically, it was what I was expecting. I would start the chemo in about 3 weeks. I would do one week on and one week off for 16 weeks, then tamoxifen for 5 years. BUT, if I want it done in Havasu, she won't follow me as my physician, so I would need to get established with the oncologist here. I had hoped that I could have the treatment done in Havasu and still have her as the primary oncologist. Since that isn't going to happen, I am going to meet with the oncologist in Havasu, and take it from there.

I am also getting a chemo port put in on June 5. It is an outpatient surgery, and I figured it would be easier than getting stuck all the time. I wonder if I will set off the alarms at the airport? We are taking Hailey up to Vegas on June 7. She is flying by herself to Minnesota to visit Grandma Gen for a couple of weeks.


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