I had the EEG done on Wednesday. I have a follow up appointment on Monday to get the results. I wasn't scheduled to see the doctor on Wednesday when I had the EEG, but I met him in the hallway after I came out of the EEG room. He asked how I was doing and I told him that I was still having several episodes. He asked if I had made an appointment with a specialist. I informed him that the neurologist at Barrows wouldn't set up an appointment until they reviewed my chart, and that it may take awhile unless my current doctor thought it was necessary to expedite the appointment. He told me to have my hospital chart over-nighted to the specialist at Barrows and he would call them to try to get me in next week.

I haven't heard from the neurologist at Barrows yet, but I intend to give them a call today to see if they received my chart.

The episodes are quite frequent, but not debilitating. I have a crooked smile and my balance is off. I have been more tired than usual, but that may have to do with the medication. Yesterday I also had an asthma attack along with one of the more severe episodes. I haven't had problems with my asthma in several years, so I no longer have an inhaler. Mike was ready to take me to the ER, but I "breathed" through it. I suppose I should go get an inhaler just in case it happens again. I figure it has something to do with the other meds that I am on.... this is a classic case of piling on more meds to treat symptoms caused by other meds.

Have you ever gone to bed wondering if you will wake up the next morning?


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