Who Needs a Waterbed...

....when you can create your own? I am not sure if my fever broke, or I am having hot flashes, but I woke up completely drenched and in a puddle of water this morning. (I am pretty sure I didn't wet the bed.) I had to wring my clothes and pillow out in the tub this morning, that produced about 3 gallons of water. Maybe I should have saved it to water the plants???

I am actually feeling really good this morning. I finally had the energy to balance the checkbook, clean out the refrigerator, wash the bed sheets and water my poor dying plants on the pot shelf, all before 9am! I wanted to do more, but I could feel my temperature going up just doing that, so I decided to take a break and blog. :)

The weather wasn't too bad yesterday, I think it only got up to 105 degrees and we even got a few sprinkles of rain. I was wishing I could have gone on the jetski...... someday!


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